Interior design Canterbury

We are well suited for our interior design clients in the Canterbury area in need of professional interior design services in Kent offering more than just curtains. With the area boasting a wealth of stunning period grade listed properties and much development taking place, many clients are coming to us for a service to cover all of their interior design Canterbury project requirements from the ground up.

We are frequently involved with property renovation and self-build projects for interior design Canterbury, where the planning and execution is all important for the success of the project and where our expertise is in demand. Canterbury is a wonderful destination for gathering design inspiration and we have a real love for the city along with the nearby coastal towns of Whitstable and Margate. Recently. we were brought in to remodel a master suite for a charming yet substantial period cottage near Canterbury, complete with the challenge of slopping floors and crooked walls. Our Interior Designers completely fitted-out the cottage dressing room and bedroom with our bespoke designs to achieve this luxurious end result.


Step into Canterbury, Kent – a city where history breathes and culture thrives. As Canterbury residents passionately curate their homes, the quest for exceptional interior design Cantebury has never been more vibrant. In this exploration, we uncover the latest trends in interior design that are revolutionizing homes in Canterbury, celebrating the city’s storied past while embracing a bold, contemporary aesthetic.

Canterbury’s historical tapestry unfolds within modern homes as local interior designers seamlessly weave heritage-inspired elegance. Rich, sophisticated color palettes, intricate moldings, and timeless furniture pay homage to the city’s unique character. The result? Spaces that transcend eras, marrying the old-world charm with Canterbury’s present spirit.

In the eco-conscious city of Canterbury, interior designers champion sustainability. Imagine homes adorned with reclaimed wood furniture, bathed in energy-efficient lighting, and adorned with eco-friendly elements. These choices not only bring nature indoors but echo Canterbury’s commitment to environmental responsibility.

Canterbury living is synonymous with traditional spaces that inspire. Our Interior designers liberate homes from constraints, crafting layouts that amplify natural light and elevate the social heartbeat of living spaces. Interior Deisgn Canterbury projects for homes become canvases for family-building, seamlessly blending modernity with a sense of togetherness.

Canterbury residents revel in making a statement, and our local interior designers are embracing this spirit with traditional patterns and textures. Vivacious wallpapers, textured fabrics, and statement rugs transform homes into curated masterpieces that resonate with Canterbury’s vibrant atmosphere, daring you to embrace the extraordinary.

In a city that embraces tradition, Canterbury interior designers seamlessly integrate smart technology where possible. Picture homes adorned with automated lighting systems and intelligent thermostats, enhancing not just functionality but harmonizing with Canterbury’s tech-forward lifestyle.

Supporting local artisans is not just a choice; it’s a way of life in Canterbury. Trindade & Bird Interior designers Cantebury champion bespoke, handcrafted pieces – from custom furniture to locally sourced artwork – adding a personalized touch to homes while fostering Canterbury’s thriving artistic community.


Canterbury’s interior design by Trindade & Bird isn’t just a reflection; it’s a revelation. By fusing heritage with modernity, embracing sustainability, and embracing the latest trends, local designers are crafting homes that resonate with Canterbury’s unique spirit. Elevate your living space in Canterbury and let your home narrate a story as rich and diverse as the city itself – a story of Interior Design Canterbury Chic.

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